Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting
Please note - To ensure the continued health of the community, the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SHAC) meetings are currently being held via ZOOM. ZOOM Guidance to login, access, and participate in the meeting is provided below. Changes to the meeting format and/or location (if applicable) will be updated and made available prior to the meeting.
01_Zoom Guidance - Vina Subbasin SHAC (2020-06-16).pdfThe Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SHAC) meets the third Tuesday of the month from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Agenda and Agenda Packet further below.
Reference Materials for Agenda Item: Discussion of Preliminary Basin Setting Results
Butte Basin Groundwater Model Status and Historical Groundwater Conditions and Water Budget Results as presented at the May 19, SHAC meeting:
-> Presentation Zoom Video
Technical Webinar Part 1 (5.19.20).mp4-> Presentation Slides
Technical Webinar Part 1 (5.19.20) Powerpoint Slides.pdfComponents of the Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model, Historical Water Budget Results, and Water Budget Scenarios and Comparisons, as presented a the Technical Webinar, June 9, 2020.
The Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model is presented first. Presentation of Historical Water Budget Results begins at time 58:30 on the recording. Presentation of Water Budget Scenarios and Comparisons begins at time 1:47:32 on the recording.
-> Webinar Agenda
-> Presentation Zoom Video
Technical Webinar Part 2 (6.9.20).mp4-> Technical Webinar Audio only
Technical Webinar Part 2 (6.9.20).mp4.m4a-> Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model Slides
Buck_Vina Webinar HCM intro 692020B.pdf-> Water Budget Slides
DE_VinaTech Webinar 200609.pdf
Agenda and Agenda Packet