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24/25 Fee Study Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What is the role of the Vina Groundwater Sustainability Agency?

The Vina Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Vina GSA) is a locally controlled entity formed to implement groundwater sustainability measures as defined under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SMGA) and as identified in the State-approved Vina Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The GSA works to ensure adequate groundwater supplies to support rural areas and communities, the agricultural economic base of the region, and environmental uses now and in the future.

What is the purpose of collecting a fee?

The GSA needs revenue to cover essential operating expenses, support staffing, and fund crucial studies that improve our understanding of the groundwater basin. These funds also support monitoring activities, the preparation of annual reports, and periodic evaluations as required by SGMA.

By funding these SGMA-required activities, the GSA ensures it can maintain local control over groundwater management, making decisions that directly benefit the community

How is the Vina GSA currently funded?

Vina GSA’s management, operations, and SGMA compliance costs, are funded by a fee that was adopted by the Board of Directors (Board) in 2023. The fee for the fiscal year 2023/2024 was $1.54 per acre and fiscal year 2024/2025 is $2.54 per acre.


2024/2025 Fee Study Information 

If a Fee was adopted in 2023, why a new Fee Study?

In 2023, a uniform fee structure was adopted as a strategic first step to secure necessary funding for the GSA. This provided immediate financial support while allowing time for the GSA to explore additional fee options that consider the diverse needs and characteristics of different groundwater users within the subbasin.

Do I need to pay the current fee listed on my tax bill?

Yes. The current fee was legally adopted by the Board and the amount is collected via property tax bills and therefore is required to be paid.

How is the current fee determined?

Current fees are charged to all taxable lands within the GSA boundary regardless of land use type (rangeland, arable, orchard, residential or commercial use, etc.). The calculation is based on the assessed acreage indicated on the property tax bill. 

Will the current fee study result in a different fee structure and fee amount?

Possibly. The 2024/2025 Fee Study is looking at several factors in determining funding options and will consider the unique needs of groundwater management beneficiaries within the Vina groundwater basin. Other considerations include the availability of information and reliability of data sources to use in a revised fee structure.

What benefits do fee payors receive from the fee?

The fee supports the GSA in being compliant with State law while maintaining local control over groundwater management, ensuring that decisions are made locally and directly benefit the community. Additionally, fee payors benefit from the sustainable groundwater management activities funded by these fees, which help maintain a reliable water supply for agricultural, residential, and environmental uses now and in the future. These practices are essential for protecting the long-term health of the groundwater basin, which is vital for the prosperity and security of all who rely on it.


Vina GSA Fee Study FAQ.pdf