Inter-Basin Coordination Analysis and Modeling Project - Implemented by Butte County
The Inter-Basin Coordination Analysis and Modeling Project focuses on analyzing Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) along the Sacramento River Corridor to enhance inter-basin coordination and conduct integrated groundwater-surface water modeling, including updates to the Butte Basin Groundwater Model. It also includes an analysis of the Feather River Corridor, funded by the Wyandotte Creek GSA SGMA grant.
The project involves providing technical analysis of GSPs to support inter-basin coordination and modeling efforts. Public updates will be provided through Stakeholder Advisory Committee meetings, GSA Board meetings, public workshops, and regular email updates to interested parties.
Consultant: Montgomery and Associates
Total Project Budget: $467,000
Key Project Tasks:
- Evaluate and compare the contents of GSPs in the North Sacramento River corridor region with a focus on establishing a common understanding of basin conditions at boundaries. The task includes identifying significant differences, uncertainties, and potential issues of concern related to groundwater interaction at the boundaries. Engage in analysis and evaluation of SMCs between GSPs to identify significant differences and possible impacts between subbasins that could potentially lead to undesirable results.
- Conduct integrated groundwater-surface water modeling, including updating aquifer parameter values in the Butte Basin Groundwater Model (BBGM) and refining its calibration using new data. This will improve the representation of the aquifer’s water budget, enhance understanding of the hydrogeology, guide future refinements to the hydrogeologic conceptual model, and help identify potential recharge areas or quantify the benefits of implementation projects.
Project Timeline*