Water Supply and Recharge Project - Implemented by Butte County
The Water Supply and Recharge Project aims to promote sustainable groundwater management by identifying existing and underutilized surface water supplies for agricultural irrigation and direct groundwater recharge. The project will also identify potential groundwater recharge initiatives for future implementation, building on previous studies and pilot projects in the area.
Key considerations will include site feasibility, water availability, water rights, supply costs, legal implications, partnership opportunities, funding sources, recharge methods, multi-benefit potential, and alignment with the sustainability goals of the Subbasin. The collected data will assist stakeholders in assessing the feasibility of groundwater recharge projects and support future project design. The project will also identify potential recharge areas or projects ready for implementation.
Consultant: Geosyntec
Project Partner: Agricultural Groundwater Users of Butte County
Total Project Budget: $725,000
Key Project Tasks:
- Develop a conceptual list of water supply projects and conduct an initial screening with a fatal flaws analysis, in collaboration with stakeholders and GSAs.
- Identify the two most promising projects for detailed feasibility analysis, including evaluating water conveyance options, place of use, environmental concerns, financing, and water rights.
- Conduct a feasibility and cost-benefit analysis of potential groundwater recharge projects, evaluating factors such as water availability, rights, conveyance costs, recharge potential, zones of benefit, and operation and monitoring costs.
- Perform field investigations and pilot tests to assess the suitability of recharging surface-applied water, the potential recharge quantities, and how recharge projects may operate in practice.
Projected Project Timeline