Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for Adoption
Click Here here to access the submitted Plan on the DWR SGMA Portal.
The submitted plan includes minor edits and revisions per the Vina GSA Board's direction during the December 15, 2021 GSP adoption public hearing.

GSP for Adoption (December 2021)
The GSP for consideration and adoption by the Vina GSA and Rock Creek Reclamation District GSA Boards is available. There are two versions, 1) a "clean" version - without tracked changes and 2) a "redline tracked changes" version showing revisions made to the September 2021 Public Review Draft.
The "Responses to Comments" documentation for the Public Review Draft GSP (September 2021), is included in Appendix 1F - Comments to the Draft GSP and Responses. Responses documentation includes 1) a Responses to Comments Summary and Master Responses memo, 2) comment tracking table, and 3) the comment letters received and their associated attachments.
GSP with "redline tracked changes"
Vina_GSP_12.09.2021_redline.pdfGSP for Adoption - Chapters 1 through 7 (no tracked changes):
Vina GSP for Adoption 12-09-2021GSP Chapters
Cover_Table of Contents_Acronyms.pdfExecutive Summary.pdfChapter 1 Agency Information, Plan Area, Communication.pdfChapter 2 Basin Setting.pdfChapter 3 Sustainable Management Criteria.pdfChapter 4 Monitoring Networks.pdfChapter 5 Project and Management Actions.pdfChapters 6 & 7 Plan Implementation and References.pdfGSP Appendices - All
Vina GSP AppendicesGSP Appendices
1A Preparation Checklist for GSP Submittal.pdf1B Cooperation Agreement and Notice of Intent.pdf1C Joint Powers Agreement.pdf1D Groundwater Status Report for 2020 Water Year.pdf1E Communication and Engagement Plan.pdf1F Comments to the Draft GSP and Responses.pdf2A and 2B GDE Maps and Historical Annual Water Budget Estimates.pdf3A Figures Showing Avg. Depth of Domestic, Irrigation, and Public Supply Wells.pdf3B Figures of Representative Monitoring Sites.pdf3C RMS Well Hydrographs.pdf6A NSV Inter-basin Coordination Report.pdf