GSP Updates, Data Gaps, & Monitoring Network Enhancements
Why it matters:
Accurate data is essential for making informed decisions about water resources.
Our Plan
Invest in new monitoring sites and equipment for more precise data on surface and groundwater conditions.
Better understand the system and amend the Vina GSA GSP over time to respond to new data and feedback from DWR.
Updates on Tasks during 4/1/24 - 8/31/24:
Project is on track and within budget.
Consultant Progress on Tasks Includes:
Began identifying areas within the subbasin for potential new monitoring network sites. Coordination with Butte County to understand existing network.
Developed approach to classify shallow and deep monitoring wells to support monitoring network enhancements. Analysis underway.
In process of reviewing the GSP and DWR determination letter to identify data gaps and areas of refinement.
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Vina Groundwater Sustainability Agency (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all
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