Zoom Login and Guidance_Board
Download the Zoom Guidance document for login and troubleshooting information.
Zoom Guidance - Vina Subbasin GSA Board Mtg.pdf
We recommend logging-in 15 minutes early (at 5:15 pm) to get set up and address any technical issues before the meeting starts. When you access the meeting, you will be placed into a waiting room and admitted into the meeting by the meeting hosts. There are four methods for joining the meeting:
1 - From Computer - One Click to Join
2 - From Computer Web Browser
When prompted, use Meeting ID: 869 8360 0705
3 - From your Mobile Phone: One-Tap Mobile
4 - Dial-in using your Mobile Phone or Landline:
1 (669) 900 6833
When prompted, use Meeting ID: 869 8360 0705
Meeting ID: 869 8360 0705
You will be placed in a waiting room and admitted by the meeting hosts. You will be placed on mute during the meeting. Please raise your hand using the Zoom prompts to notify the Board that you would like to speak on indivdual agenda items as they are discussed.