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Fee Study  Survey

Your Opinion is Needed!

The Vina GSA requests your input on developing a new fee to fund the management operations and reporting requirements of the GSA to secure sustainable groundwater management.

Take the survey by clicking this link:

About the Vina Groundwater Sustainability Agency

The Vina Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Vina GSA) was established in 2017 to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), which mandates the protection and management of groundwater resources in California. As a locally-controlled entity, Vina GSA is responsible for implementing the measures outlined in the Vina Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) to ensure adequate groundwater supplies that support urban and rural communities, the agricultural economic base of the region, and environmental uses now and in the future.

Funding the GSA

The GSA collects revenue from all parcels within the GSA that receive a property tax bill. The GSA’s current annual budget (2024/2025) is about $450,000 to fund essential operating expenses, support staffing, and fund
studies that improve the understanding of the Vina groundwater basin. The budget also supports monitoring activities, the preparation of annual reports, and periodic evaluations as required by SGMA. The current 2024/2025 annual fee is $2.53 per acre. It is collected on behalf of the Vina GSA by the Butte County Assessor’s Office with property tax bills.